Dungeons & Dragons, Essentials Kit
Dungeons & Dragons, Essentials Kit
Everything you need to create characters and play the new adventures in this introduction to the world's greatest roleplaying game.

Dungeons & Dragons is a cooperative storytelling game that harnesses your imagination and invites you to explore a fantastic world of adventure, where heroes battle monsters, find treasures, and overcome quests. The D&D Essentials Kit is a new introductory product meant to bring D&D to audiences interested in jumping into a fantasy story.

This box contains the essentials you need to run a D&D game with one Dungeon Master and one to five adventurers. A newly designed rulebook on-boards players by teaching them how to make characters, and the included adventure, Dragon of Icespire Peak, introduces a new 1-on-1 rules variant.


- 64-page rulebook that teaches how to create characters of levels 1-6 and play the game. Includes the introduction of sidekick rules.
- Dragon of Icespire Peak™, a 64-page introductory adventure
- Double-sided poster map for use with the Dragon of Icespire Peak™ adventure (21" x 15")
- Four-panel, folding Dungeon Master's screen (33" × 8.5")
- 6 blank character sheets
- 11 polyhedral dice
- 81 cards describing magic items, sidekicks, and other D&D game elements, plus a folding box to hold all the cards
- Codes for D&D Beyond, the official digital toolset for D&D

Nerd Castle

Dungeons & Dragons, Essentials Kit

Sale price99,00 lei Regular price115,00 lei
-16,00 lei

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Pick up available at Str Agricultori Nr 22B De regula gata in 2-4 zile

Dungeons & Dragons, Essentials Kit

Str Agricultori Nr 22B

Pick up available, de regula gata in 2-4 zile

Str Agricultori Nr 22B
070000 Buftea IF


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Cristina Anghel

Dungeons & Dragons, Essentials Kit

Sorin Andrei
Îl ador

Am terminat cartea de reguli și povestea acum îmi mai trebuie numai niște prieteni cu care să mă joc :)

David Moraru


Andrei Verdes
foarte tare

nu l-am incercat inca, practic nici nu am citit povestea inca, l-am cumparat deodata cu starter set-ul, si ala chiar e misto, nu l-am jucat inca dar am citit regulile si primul chapter, imediat ce imi gasesc prieteni, il si joc, dar deocamdata pot zice despre essential kit, ca e misto starter kit-ul