Fold-up Dice Tower With Double Trays
Fold-up Dice Tower With Double Trays
Fold-up Dice Tower With Double Trays

Acest Dice Tower este accesoriul perfect pentru orice pasionat de jocuri tabletop rpg, fiind nu numai stilat dar si foarte practic.

Height: 20cm

Material: Toate turnurile sunt facute de catre noi, local, din PLA+. Culoarea filamentului folosit ramane la alegerea ta, dar oricare ar fi, iti putem garanta o rezistenta mare la socuri si o calitate impecabila!

Nerd Castle

Fold-up Dice Tower With Double Trays

Sale price57,00 lei Regular price69,00 lei
-12,00 lei

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The color from which the object will made.
eg: bigger/smaller, use multiple colors, etc
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Pick up available at Str Agricultori Nr 22B De regula gata in 2-4 zile

Fold-up Dice Tower With Double Trays

Str Agricultori Nr 22B

Pick up available, de regula gata in 2-4 zile

Str Agricultori Nr 22B
070000 Buftea IF


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